7 Things That Guys Love About Your Body But You Hate.
Here are 7 things that women tend to hate about their bodies, however the men don't necessarily agree.
1. Secretly, men love women's feet. Go get a pedicure, jazz up those toes with a toe ring, or put on an ankle bracelet, you will be surprised how he reacts.
2. Your hands are delicate and inviting, don't hide them away in your pockets, it gives the impression of insecurity. Open them up and welcome him in.
3. Keep your fingers as tidy as the rest of you. Fresh nail polish, and magic finger work like a good massage can really let his imagination go wild thinking about how your sensual fingers are touching him.
4. Some guys go for boobs of butts, but some go for backs. Regardless of how muscular it is, unless there is excess fat or a skin problem, your guy will love caressing you curvaceous back as he imagines what is in store.
5. Does you bum look big in this@f9 Stop worrying about it! So many guys LOVE a big bum! It is arousing to them, roundness is good! Men are much more angular so they are attracted the curves, you don't need to be skinny!
6. So you don't look like a fish with huge bloated lips@f10 So what! Using them in the right places can still run shivers down a man's spine. Not forgetting the power that words have as you whisper them in his ear...use a seductive tone and boost his ego, tell him how sexy he is to you.
7. So many women would not be seen dead without their make-up on. Is that because they feel ugly without it@f11 Men actually prefer women that wear minimal to no make-up. Make-up actually makes some people look older. Kim Zolciak from the Real Housewives of Atlanta surprised many people when they discovered that she is much younger than she looks with her layers of make-up on.
So don't be so self conscious and learn to love what you have, because the men already do.