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Today is International Condom Day. Here are some facts about condoms in observance of International Condom Day.
The new legislation proposed by republicans would make it illegal for a minor to cross state borders in order to obtain an abortion without parental consent or knowledge.
Lawmakers in New Mexico propose banning later-term abortions and the requirement for a minors parents to receive notification 48 hours before the termination.
On the 3rd of February 2015 Lawmakers in Britain voted in favor to allow three-person in-vitro fertilization in the House of Commons 382 to 128.
A WHO study shows us the consequences of the fears of contraceptives in low to middle income countries.
At the 2015 Word Woman Festival in Oslo Leading Imam Alyas Karmani said that no school was free of sexualised bullying in Britain.
Through a Freedom of Information request: the implant would only have been given under "exceptional" circumstances.
The Pope speaks about opposing contraceptives after a record crowd 6 million at Address in the Philippines.
Nicki Minaj has been speaking publicly about her love life while she promotes her new, very personal album, Pinkprint.
Prinston mum and "author" or columnist claims that the statistics are questionable. "Is that really rape?"
"Putting the abortion laws into the Constitution was a mistake at the time, and it is still a mistake now.â€
Some mothers are aborting because their prenatal tests have shown that their unborn child would very likely be born with genetic birth defects.
The court will decide if doctors may switch of the life support machine of a 16 week pregnant brain dead woman in Ireland.
According to a study, men who watch porn try to act out what they watch in real life, and enjoy sex less.