Find the latest news in the UK about Abortion.
A 46-year-old female doctor has been caught on camera agreeing to carry out an abortion based on the gender of the foetus.The act has lead her to be called to appear in court in front of the Manchester and Salford Magistrates.
Despite the British Pregnancy Advisory Service's hard campaigning, Abortion remains illegal unless the situation meets certain circumstances. Despite this, 185,331 abortions were carried out in England and Wales last year.
A Sex education workshop held in a high school in Singapore last week taught victim-blaming rape culture and gender stereotyping.
In 2010 a new constitution was passed in Kenya. Since then, women in Kenya have been able to secure greater access to legal, safe abortions service in certain circumstances. However, it appears that although the law has changed, four years later, Kenyan women still don’t know the law or their rights particularly we
That was the conclusion of the study done in Los Angeles that shows how gonorrhea and chlamydia were most common in the homosexual men that used these applications.
The case has been presented by a young 17 year old woman and her mother that live in Northern Ireland.
The device is implanted under the skin of the woman and releases a hormone that prevents pregnancy.
The Forum for Sex Education stated that Young people should also be taught about consent and relationships.