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Noticia sobre Abortion and the law

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Abortion and the law

Abortion and the law. Necessary information to know what abortion and the law consist of. Find out all you need to know about abortion and the law.
Written by in Abortion on the 02/03/2015   
Woman Escorts Clients at Belfast Abortion Clinic.

She said, "Northern Ireland’s anti-abortion protesters terrify and taunt the women seeking help. Until this intimidation stops, I will keep going 

I am sick of women in Northern Ireland being treated as second-class citizens."

Normas de participación
> Esta es la opinión de los internautas no de
> No se admiten insultos ni faltas de respeto
> No esta permitido hacer comentarios contrarios a las leyes Mexicanas o injuriables
> se reserva el derecho a eliminar los comentarios que considere ofensivos o fuera de tema

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