Hospital gives the contraceptive implant to a 10 year old girl.
One GP said that this is the first time in her 20 years of practise that she has heard of such a case. Dr Angela Lennox said: “I have never been involved in a situation where
Contraception was either required or requested by someone of this age. This must have been a truly exceptional case and it would not have been a decision which was taken lightly.”
She also said, that giving this
Implant, a 40mm flexible tube inserted in the upper arm which slowly releases progesterone in order to stop eggs being released from the ovary, is not something that a GP would decide, but an expert in the field.
Her concerns were not hidden, as many an adult would feel upon hearing that a 10-year-old girl needs Contraception, but also said:
“We need to look beyond this. There may have been other issues such as severe learning difficulties which would makes an individual very vulnerable.”
There are concerns of what long-term effects there could be for giving hormones to a child who hasn't hit puberty yet, especially when the Implant lasts for 3 years. Due to patient confidentiality, no comment has been made by the hospital involved about the case, but their spokesperson said:
“Only under extremely rare circumstances would a patient under the age of 13 ever receive a Contraceptive Implant. This is never taken lightly and would be a decision made between a healthcare professional and the parent or guardian as a result of health problems or in order to safeguard the child.”
For more information about the Implant
click here.