For religious reasons, the catholic physician wrote a letter explaining her decision to her patients.

Catholic Doctor Informs that she will not prescribe contraceptives.
One Catholic Doctor in Mississippi decided that she could not longer prescribe contraceptives as she felt that it would be promoting them, which was against her personal religious beliefs. She instead offered natural family planning alternatives and the intent to find other solutions for acne and other conditions which are traditionally treated with the contraceptive pill.
Her letter explained that her religious beliefs meant that she could not prescribe contraceptives regardless of whether it be intended to be used to prevent pregnancy or acne.
One horrified patient posted her letter on her facebook page in outrage that her trusted physician "not do her job" because of her own personal beliefs.
Leslie Gauthier in Michigan went on to comment further after posting the photo. As of yet, the doctor in question has not commented on the subject further than her letter. Leslie however is open to communicate with whom wishes to.