Find the latest news in the UK about Reproduction.
A 10-year-old girl in Paraguay is 22 weeks pregnant and being denied an abortion by authorities.
The emergency contraceptive ellaOne (ulipristal acetate, 30 mg) can now be bought, confirms the manufacturer, by women assisting pharmacies in the UK without having to go to their doctor first for a prescription.
Girls in coventry are urged to consider long term contraceptives in order to combat it's title of "worst place in the uk for teen pregnancies"
High quantities of fruit and vegetables with pesticide residues on could negatively affect a mans sperm according to a new study which found lower sperm counts and fewer normal sperm.
World headline news: images of babies in the womb wincing and grimacing when their mums smoke a cigarette.
In America, Students for Life send groups to colleges to educate the students about Planned Parenthood.
An STD Dating Site asked the question "Should I Tell My Ex's New Partner They Have An STI?" to which 60% of participants answered "NO".
People with STDs like HPV or Herpes now have help for finding true love with a new free dating app.