High quantities of fruit and vegetables with pesticide residues on could negatively affect a mans sperm according to a new study which found lower sperm counts and fewer normal sperm.

Sperm Health Could Be Affected By Pesticides.
Before you abandon this food group, remember that this study was carried out on men who were already seeking fertility treatment. If this continues to be true for the general population then it could have serious public and clinical health implications.
For a while we have known that some pesticides can affect the human endocrine system (glands and hormones). Its not surprising that many studies have shown a relationship between pesticides and human reproduction. One case in the 70's of workers in a pesticide factory who were exposed to the DBCP chemical even showed a complete absence of sperm. However, although the studies are many, most are based on exposure not on consumption through diet.
Hence, scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health investigated the relationship between semen quality and the consumption of pesticides through fruits and vegetables.
The study used 155 men between the ages of 18 and 55 that had been receiving fertility treatment. As well as analysing 338 sperm samples they also investigated the participants' average intake of fruit and vege.
They classed the produce as high (e.g. strawberries), moderate and low (e.g peas and onions) in pesticide residue. They made adjustments for quantities consumed along with BMI, smoking and other factors. The result was that although there was no relationship to semen quality there was to semen health.
Those most affected had almost 50% fewer total sperm in their samples than men who ate the least amount of fruit and vege with pesticides as well as a reduction in normally formed sperm and 32% fewer morphologically normal sperm.
Remember this study needs to be extended before we stop eating fresh produce for fear of pesticide side effects.